Monday, September 24, 2012

25 weeks....

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been going going for a few weeks. We went to the beach on a family vacation and I was able to get down to Birmingham to visit with some friends and family for a few days and as a matter of fact I'm sitting on a golf course taking pictures for a charity golf tourney that my husbands company is hosting. So I am actually doing this from my phone. Not much has changed pregnancy wise over the past few weeks besides getting much larger and things getting much more real. It's time to really start getting focused before this last trimester gets here and I don't feel like doing anything!! Hahaha

Here's an update!!!!

How far along? 24 weeks and 6 days...

Total weight gain/loss: Im not putting this on here anymore. Soo depressing!

Maternity clothes? Thats pretty much all I am wearing now. I've got two pair of maternity leggings that will be worn our by the end of the year I'm sure.

Stretch marks? Nope...

Sleep: Just ok...

Best moment this week: our 24 week appointment and everything is going perfect!

Miss Anything? Still missing the gym and doing all the classes like I used too

Movement: Tons!!!!!!! I can see her move.

Food cravings: Chocolate Milk still. Trying not to drink so much.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really..

Have you started to show yet: yepp

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: nothing out of the normal.

Belly Button in or out? In I don't think it's going to come out. Thanks God!

Wedding rings on or off? Off-my sis gave me one of my grandmothers rings that I can wear while my finger are so swollen.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part! Getting annoyed pretty easily but what else is new.

Looking forward to: Our showers coming up over the next month and all the holidays coming up. I just can't believe there are only 15 weeks left and we will have our little girl!

Baby Purchases and Gifts: oh gosh since I haven't updated in forever I have purchased lots of things. My mom purchased our chair for the nursery. So it should be in in the next few months. We went and registered for a crib and dresser and all our other things so I can't wait to see her room all put together. We are at a stand still right now in her room. It's pretty much just waiting to be furnished. Ugh!! I can't wait!!


  1. You are so precious!
    P.S. Aren't you always easily annoyed? Jk Jk! Love you!

  2. I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check it out! :)
