Thursday, July 5, 2012

13 weeks... 2nd Trimester...

2nd Trimester Yay!!! We made it!!  I had a wonderful first trimester. Besides being hungry 24/7 and sleeping all the time and the waves of nausea I had a pretty easy first trimester. I only actually threw up once but that was because I was in the middle of a coughing fit when I was sick and my gag reflexes were ON TIME!! haha.. I didn't have to many cravings. If I had to pick something it would have to be sweets in general. My food aversion has been meat. I haven't been able to just eat meat, it has to be in something. I would gag just thinking about just having to eat a chicken breast or a sandwich. Last week was my first week to actually lose my lunch. I got a sandwich from subway and it came up about as fast as it went down..hahaha.. It was pretty miserable and I'm pretty sure I will be staying away from Subway for a while.

I've started thinking a lot about the sex of the baby. I still don't have a strong feeling either way. I lean towards boy and say he almost every time I talk about the baby.. I'm definitely ready to find out. Which should be sometime in August..

Here is an updated Bump Photo..

How far along? 13 weeks 2days
Maternity clothes? Loose fitting clothes that I already had and I bought some maternity shorts thats about it.. Im wearing alot of the same clothes..
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Bathroom breaks still 1-2times a night..I got a snoogle pillow but haven't figured out the best way to use it because i need it to go all the way around me because I toss and turn so much
Best moment this week: Starting my 2nd trimester!!!!
Miss Anything? Not really..
Movement: Not yet...
Food cravings: nope.. just sweets.. mainly milkshakes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat
Have you started to show yet: A little bump..
Gender prediction:Who knows...
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In like always
Wedding rings on or off? On.. If I don't drink enough water my hands and feet swell up then they come off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Happy! Happy!
Looking forward to: finding out the sex of the baby!!

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