Friday, August 3, 2012


It's A Girl!!!

We still can't believe it!! It's been so weird to say she or say her name. We found out a little earlier than expected. We found out at 16 weeks and 3 days! We had an opportunity to be in a commercial for  company out of Birmingham called 4d Mommies. A friend of mine told me about a status post on facebook that they were looking for someone 15weeks - 17 weeks to find out the gender on a 3d/4d ultrasound and we won!!! I was so excited when they chose us and even more excited that it was just in a couple days instead of weeks. Well I didn't sleep at all that Thursday night.. We stayed up pretty late at my N-Laws painting a box that we would put the color balloons in for the gender and release them at lunch after we found out the gender.

l had seen people do this on Pinterest before and was so excited we were actually going to be able to do it. That Thursday night (the night before the reveal) I probably only got a total of  30min of sleep. It was like waking up on Christmas! I got right out of bed.. We got ready and headed down. They recorded everything that happened in the room so hopefully we will have footage of that soon. There was nothing like hearing the words "It's a girl!" I will never forget it!

After we went to lunch and met up with 20 of our closest friends and family and revealed the sex of our sweet little bambino!

We go back on August 22nd(Perry's Birthday) to have our next ultrasound.. So no painting rooms just yet.. We are going to wait for another confirmation before we start on her room. Don't think that I haven't planned everything in her room out though.. hahaha I guarantee that her room will be done as soon as possible!

Here is a copy of the Ultrasound if you enjoy watching them like I do :)

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